Founded in 1889 and tucked between the Rocky Mountains and Colorado’s stunning high plains, UNC is a public doctoral research university committed to the success of its 13,000 students, with more than 100 undergraduate programs and 120 graduate programs. The university’s just-right size, expert faculty, and tradition of research and hands-on learning gives students exceptional opportunities and a personalized education.
The Center for Career Readiness strives to support, challenge, and empower all students to become uniquely career ready in order to ultimately pursue meaningful work. We will accomplish this purpose by:
- Meeting one on one with students and supporting them as they explore careers, gain experience and navigate complex career pathways and world of work systems
- Developing customized career content and facilitating academic and student focused presentations, workshops, outreach and career events
- Managing relations with employers seeking to hire UNC students
- Managing Handshake—UNC’s all-campus, employer customer relations management system
- Serving as the central place for career and world of work trends and knowledge
- Planning and hosting UNC’s fairs
- Leading, advocating, and removing barriers in order to implement campus-wide career readiness efforts for all students
Our program prepares students to explore careers, gain related skills and experiences and learn how to manage their own career. Aligned with the institutional mission, we contribute to the following Institutional Learning Outcomes: Mastering Foundational Skills, Connecting Ideas and Experiences, Developing Professional Competence, and Engaging in Healthy Behaviors. We approach our work with the following values:
- Empowerment: We encourage others to believe in their ability to achieve personal and professional goals.
- Integrity: We foster, expect, and act with the highest level of ethics, professionalism, and respect.
- Equity and Inclusion: Our commitment to equity and inclusion enables an accessible, inclusive, open environment where we advocate for the success of all students.
- Character: We encourage ourselves and students to be courageous, self-reflective, and authentic in all interactions.
- Relationships: We foster relationships with one another, students, employers, alumni and the UNC community for the benefit of serving students and enjoying one another’s company.
Imagine yourself at the University of Northern Colorado. Located in northern Colorado, UNC has more than 100 academic programs, 17 NCAA Division 1 sports, and 100+ student clubs and organizations. We invite you to learn more.

The University of Northern Colorado, Center for Career Readiness plans and hosts career fairs and events to increase student and employer connections. Some of these career events are in collaboration with NOCO organizations such as the NOCO Healthcare Partnership’s Behavior Health Committee.
Bears Go Big
Graduates of the University of Northern Colorado go on to do BIG things – leading companies, leading social change, and even leading major league baseball companies.
How UNC Can Help
The Employer Engagement team at the UNC Center for Career Readiness provides an individualized recruiting strategy for your organization. Our goal is to connect you to our exceptional students and alumni through a variety of targeted and successful services.
How Can We Help You?
- You can post job/ internship opportunities at no cost through our online system Handshake, which can be accessed by our students and alumni.
- Meet with our staff to strategically discuss recruitment needs.
- Help you reserve a table on campus to recruit employees (interns, full-time, and part-time).
- Provide opportunities to participate in career events, employer panels, etc.
- Provide opportunities to promote student engagement through Informational Interviews, Job Shadows and Onsite Career Tours
Get connected to UNC
Our students are diverse and hard-working, and there’s no one “label” that defines them. More than one-third of UNC undergraduates are the first in their family to go to college and more than one-quarter are eligible for federal need-based financial aid. Of all UNC students, more than one-quarter identify as students of color.
UNC students complete job shadowing, volunteer work, internships, and other work-based learning (clinicals, student teaching, practicums) throughout Weld and Larimer Country. Please reach out to the UNC Center for Career Readiness to engage and hire our students.