Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development logo


LCEWD provides easy access to a wide array of employment and training services for job seekers, businesses and the community.

Our mission is to connect people to meaningful work and businesses to talent and resources, improving our community’s economic well-being. We care, and our customers matter. We are customer focused with a culture of respect, integrity, innovation and inclusivity.

Work-based learning is an important component of our services as it allows for a direct connection for learning and onboarding between our job seeker and business customers. Common types of work-based learning activities include internship, apprenticeships and talent development curriculum.

We are invested in the collaboration and work of the NoCo Work-Based Learning (WBL) Alliance to help create easier and more efficient access to talent pools in the community for work-based learning opportunities.

Students at Colorado State University greenhouse on a career tour.

We believe that work-based learning is a great tool for building a future talent pipeline and for reskilling workers to better fit your workforce.

This begins with access to business professionals during career exploration, continues with businesses providing a meaningful learning experience through an internship or apprenticeship and continues with supporting the business with employee professional development.

Tell us about your workforce challenges and we will work with you to identify connections and services in-house or within our community that can help! We can help you identify meaningful ways to build awareness of your business in our community. We can match you to the right talent for your work-based learning needs. We can support you in building out essential people skills within your current workforce.

How LCEWD Can Help
  • Career Fairs
  • Career / Industry Presentations
  • Career Mentoring
  • Informational Interviews
  • Job Shadows
  • Onsite Career Tours
  • Apprenticeships
  • Internships
  • Project-based Learning
  • Employee Development
  • Employee Mentoring
  • On-the-Job Training


  • Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development Logo

Christopher – Air Force Veteran Climbs Ladder of Law

A single parent of one, Christopher, an Air Force veteran, was referred to internship services. Christopher had a desire to become an attorney and wanted to get his foot in the door by working in an attorney’s office and in the judicial system. Provided with a list of local court and jail internship opportunities, Christopher’s internship coordinator suggested he might also [...]

  • Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development Logo

Angelica – Single Mom Becomes Legal Professional

Angelica, a single mother with preschool-aged children, indicated a career interest in legal work. Having had some clerical work experience, but no legal experience, Angelica thought she would benefit from a work-based learning experience in legal activities that provided her with opportunities to prove herself. She made it a goal to become hired at a livable wage, allowing her to [...]

  • Larimer County Economic and Workforce Development Logo

Myleisha – Mother Achieves Dental Assistant Dream

Myleisha, a mother of a young son, wanted to be placed in a Dental Assistant internship that coincided with Dental Assistant classes in which she was enrolled. Concurrent studies and internship activities helped Myleisha become successful in learning applicable dental skills, gaining dental office experience and improving her potential for dental assistant work.    Myleisha started her internship with [...]

  • Larimer County youth intern at work welding.

Miguel finds success with inCompass

Miguel (age 18) dropped out of high school two years prior to graduating. He had experience working various food service jobs, but was unemployed when he enrolled in our inCompass program. He and his fiancé were in low-income housing and also expecting a baby. Miguel wanted to get his GED and transition into a well-paying career to support his [...]