Employment Services of Weld County (ESWC) is a comprehensive Workforce Center that connects resources for employment, education, and training services.
ESWC is committed to expanding employment-related opportunities for individuals ages 14-72 who meet program eligibility requirements. These include paid work-experience/internships, On-the-Job Training (OJT), pre-apprenticeships, and Registered Apprenticeships.
ESWC commits to establishing awareness about the options in Work-Based Learning (WBL) available to employers and to increase the number of opportunities available in WBL through local employers for Weld County residents.
It is an ongoing goal for ESWC to be responsive to the needs of Weld County employers. The Business Services Unit addresses the needs of both small and large employers and actively promotes the development of a stronger workforce in in-demand industries.
ESWC operates two comprehensive one-stop workforce centers.
315 N. 11th Avenue
Building B
Greeley, CO 80631
(970) 353-3800
FAX (970) 346-7981
Job Seekers contact contacteswc@weldgov.com
Fort Lupton
2950 9th Street
Fort Lupton, CO 80621
(303) 857-2725
FAX (303) 637-2436
Employers contact
(970) 400-6714
Commitment to WBL
Employment Services of Weld County prides itself in offering personal and career development, furnishing access to education, training, and Work-Based Learning (WBL) opportunities for individuals ages 14-72 who meet program eligibility requirements. These include paid work-experience/internships, On-the-Job Training (OJT), pre-apprenticeships, and Registered Apprenticeships.
Career pathways help employers better understand the path an employee can take in their career. A pathway may also help a potential employee understand what is required to begin on a path within a certain industry. A clearly defined career path will support employers by creating a more employable workforce. Often, the path may include WBL opportunities.
In alignment with Colorado WIOA State Plan, goal B, ESWC is committed to increasing apprenticeship opportunities for our clients. Business Services, in alignment with Colorado WIOA State Plan, goal C, are collaboratively engaged in the development of WBL opportunities. Business Services, along with the entire team of ESWC, is committed to generating WBL placements throughout Weld County.
For more information about ESWC’s goals, please read our 2020-2023 Regional/Local Plan (.pdf).
Community Benefit
Employment Services of Weld County knows that one of the most effective ways to prepare individuals for a job or career is to give them real world experience. Work-based learning is a strategy that combines skill development with real-world training opportunities. Apprenticeships and other work-based learning activities create opportunities for youth and adults to develop the skills needed to succeed.
A Thriving Work-Based Learning Community understands the problems plaguing their talent pipeline, recognizes the value in business-led work-based learning as a solution, and works collaboratively to effect systemic change. Work-based Learning Communities can exist in one of four phases: Exploring, Emerging, Demonstrating, and Thriving. Utilizing seven domains: Leadership, Needs Analysis, Asset Mapping, Stakeholders, Resources, Communications, and Evaluation, ESWC can identify which phase a specific community is in is based on these activities.
Employer Benefits of WBL
Why Create a Work Experience Position?
A work-experience position is a work or service experience in which a student or jobseeker of any age or experience level participates at a worksite as an active team member contributing to meaningful projects.
- A “try before you buy” advantage: Get to know potential job candidates before hiring them, and take advantage of the opportunity to train them to your specific company culture and expectations;
- Reduced turnover and need for re-training: Entry-level workers who begin as a work experience start full-time positions “ready-to-go.” The worker is fully aware of the expectations and responsibilities of the job. Work experience is a cost-saver for employers who otherwise may hire new employees who may not be a good fit in the long term.
- Immediate, focused time on specific projects: Participants can bring new energy and insights to your team. They are perfect for projects that need to get out the door or longer-term projects that need focused time.
- More time for senior staff to devote to advanced projects: Placements can play a key role in allowing senior staff to focus on big sales, higher impact, and more advanced projects.
- Leadership experience for your existing staff: Work experience placements need mentors and supervisors. Quality mentoring enhances the participant’s success and is an excellent opportunity for your existing staff to gain management experience.
- ESWC matches participants to your specific industry or organization’s needs.
- Participants undergo assessment and job readiness training before placement.
- Case managers at ESWC provide ongoing administrative support and guidance to ensure a successful experience. Participants receive career guidance and have access to supportive services.
Why use On-the-Job Training (OJT)?
Your organization provides employee training to every person you hire. By hiring an ESWC participant, and utilizing On-the-Job Training, a percentage of the employee’s gross wage is reimbursable during a specified agreement period.
- The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is available to employers who hire eligible individuals.
- Off-site training costs, if applicable, may also be covered.
Why create a Registered Apprenticeship?
The registered apprenticeship (RA) model allows employers to build a workforce trained to meet their specific skill needs. Registered apprenticeships offer a flexible training solution that aligns your training with national and company-specific standards resulting in a well-skilled, well-rounded employee. The United States Department of Labor (USDOL) Registered Apprentice System is expanding the types of occupations and the number of opportunities in high-demand fields.
- Develop highly-skilled, highly productive employees
- Reduce turnover rates
- Increase productivity
- Lower recruitment costs
- Increase safety in the workplace
- Create a more diverse workforce and a new pool of workers
WBL program offerings
Work-Based Learning funding through ESWC include:
- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Employment and Training Programs provide WBL for eligible Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth who came to ESWC due to being unemployed or underemployed.
- Colorado Works Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provides community Work Experience (CWEP) and Alternative Work Experience (AWEP) through wage supplementation in addition to benefits.
- Additional discretionary funds.
To highlight the WIOA Young Adult Employment program, ESWC helps prepare young adults, ages 14-24, for the workforce through one-on-one meetings with a Youth Case Manager. It is a vital link between classroom learning and actual on-the-job experience that matches young people’s skills and interests with employment opportunities.
- The Weld Works 4 Youth (WW4Y) program serves 14 and 15-year youth who are currently receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Food Assistance, Medicaid, placed in Foster Care, recently returned home from foster care, recently adopted, or participating with the Weld County Department of Human Services (WCDHS) Prevention team. WW4Y promotes work ethic through a work-experience during the summer months of June and July.
- The Pillars of Successful Independence (PSI) program serves 14 and 15-year youth who are currently in foster or kinship care. The program promotes work ethic through a WBL work-experience throughout the summer months of June and July and year-round life skills workshops.
- Work Experience / Internships
- Pre-apprenticeship
- Registered Apprenticeship
- On-the-Job Training
- Career Guidance
- Career Planning
- Career Fairs
- Career Presentations
- Industry Speakers
- Informational Interviews
- Mentoring
- Worksite Tours
- Industry-Sponsored Projects
- Employee Development
Outstanding Apprentice – Juan Tena Jr.
Our very first youth Electrical Apprentice started his journey on October 7th! In December 2023, as an early graduate, he began seeking his future career as an electrician. He worked tirelessly following through with [...]
Victoria – ESWC Success Story
Victoria, a 16-year-old who lacked a high school diploma or equivalent, determined traditional schooling wasn’t working for her. Upon this realization, she knew she needed to find a program to help her with basic [...]
Shaela – ESWC Success Story
COVID-19 attributed to the reduction of Shaela's parents' work hours. Her family needed income and, since many of the places that usually hire youth (food and non-essential retail) were closed, Shaela visited ESWC for [...]
Julius – ESWC Success Story
Julius was a dishwasher at a local restaurant. Due to the pandemic and the Governor’s orders to shut down in-person dining, Julius was reduced to two hours of work a week. With bills still [...]