DVR believes that anyone with a disability who wants to work, can work, regardless of the type or severity of their disability. AT DVR, we operate with a dual-customer approach. We provide a wide variety of individualized services for people with disabilities to allow them to reach their employment goals. These services can include vocational guidance and counseling, short- or long-term training, job seeking skills, job development and job coaching, and assistive technology and needed accommodations to participate with DVR and on the job.
Along with helping individuals, we are committed to helping our business partners find candidates who are skilled, loyal and committed to your success. Even after placement, employers and employees are provided ongoing support from our professional staff to ensure a positive job match for both the business and employee.
To get in touch with us, contact:
Adam Shake
DVR can provide services to qualified Youths as well through the local SWAP (School-to-Work-Alliance Program). The School to Work Alliance Program (SWAP) is designed to provide employment-related assistance to students and young adults with disabilities, who are experiencing mild to moderate barriers to employment. Disabilities can take the form of physical, emotional or learning disabilities.
SWAP provides assistance that not only produces a desirable employment outcome such as a career-path job, but also teaches appropriate job seeking and job retention skills that can be utilized throughout a lifetime. Through our partnership with SWAP and the Larimer County Work-Based Learning Alliance, several of our younger clients are eligible to participate with a multitude of work-based learning activities, such as paid work experiences, on-the-job training, apprenticeships and others.
If you are an employer looking to get connected with DVR for more information on any of our Business Services, please contact Shanae Core, your local Business Outreach Specialist, at shanae.core@state.co.us.